Diversity & Inclusion

The Python and Django communities continue to show a commitment to diversity. When it comes to DjangoCon US we always strive to be as diverse and inclusive as we can possibly be. We have an iron clad Code of Conduct that we stick by and take action on. This helps facilitate a conference atmosphere that everyone feels comfortable and safe in.

This year, opportunity grants will help folks who under normal circumstances wouldn’t have been able to attend the conference. The grants help to cover the cost of conference related expenses like travel and lodging.

Thanks to our friends at the Django Software Foundation, the Python Software Foundation, and the Django Events Foundation of North America - we raised $20,000 for opportunity grants this year!!!

We’d also like to thank our long time friends at Nexmo for their contribution to opportunity grants in addition to their Gold sponsorship.

At the end of the day it’s important to remember that we’re all in this together. It’s been a privilege to see the community join forces to support one another so that we can all immerse ourselves in a week of amazing talks and learning.

If you’d like to contribute to next year’s opportunity grants please reach out for more information: [email protected]

We look forward to seeing everyone in sunny San Diego in a couple weeks!