We are starting this Monday off with great news: our call for proposals is now open! The deadline for submissions is May 20th, 2019 AoE. As long as it’s still May 20th anywhere on earth, you can submit your proposal.
We invite you to submit your proposal no matter your background or experience level with Django. Proposals can be from a wide range of topics; non-Django and community topics are welcome. You can look at our talk schedule from last year for reference.
First-time speakers are encouraged! Do you have an idea but don’t know how to submit it? We have experienced speaker mentors who can guide you through the process, from writing the proposal to preparing and presenting the talk. Please contact one of our amazing speaker mentors to help you on your way.
Every presenter receives free admission to the conference. This year we’re also pleased to announce that we have set aside money intended to help offset the cost of travel for accepted speakers. We also have opportunity grants that can assist with travel and lodging expenses.
For more information on talk and tutorial formats, please check out our speaker information page.
We want everyone attending DjangoCon US to feel safe, welcome, and included. To that end, we have a Code of Conduct for all speakers and attendees.
If you have questions feel free to contact us.
We look forward to your proposals!